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Community Events at Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center in Seattle.

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Fatherhood Is Sacred®

Our Strong Fathers is excited to offer the “Fatherhood Is Sacred®” course beginning on January 8th, 2020! Classes will be offered at our Columbia City office every Wednesday night from 6-8pm (3712 South Ferdinand St. Seattle, WA 98118)

This 12 week course was developed by Albert M. Pooley, MSW/MPA (Hopi/Navajo), who worked as a Family Counselor for over 30 years. In 2002, Albert founded the Native American Fatherhood & Families Association, and has been teaching parenting and relationship courses ever since. NAFFA has trained over 2500 facilitators across Turtle Island to bring these teachings to our people.

Fatherhood Is Sacred® is designed to reintroduce traditional values into our homes, and to motivate fathers to become leaders in our families and communities. Graduates will receive a certificate of completion and a letter of recommendation. Dinner is provided, and childcare can be accommodated.

For more information call 206-707-1562 or email

Nia:wen kowa!

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