Board of Directors
United Indians is seeking community leaders who are passionate about our community and the environment to join our Board of Directors. The organization is in an exciting phase of growth and needs experienced professionals with cultural awareness to join the leadership team.
Specific needs on the board include community members with legal experience, financial background, community engagement & organizing, and business entrepreneurship. We have a commitment to racial and gender equity, we will prioritize board candidates who add diversity to the team.
For more information, please contact our CEO Michael Tulee, or interim board chair Elliott Wolfe.
Specific needs on the board include community members with legal experience, financial background, community engagement & organizing, and business entrepreneurship. We have a commitment to racial and gender equity, we will prioritize board candidates who add diversity to the team.
For more information, please contact our CEO Michael Tulee, or interim board chair Elliott Wolfe.

Elliot Wolfe, Vice Chair
Dakota & Ojibwe

W. Ron Allen, Treasurer
Jamestown S'Klallam

Asa Washines, Secretary

Claudia Kauffman
Nez Perce

Randy Lewis, Emeritus Member

Jenny Miller

Ixtlixochitl Salinas-White Hawk
Pochteca, of the Nahua-Mexika (Aztec)