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Community Events at Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center in Seattle.

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Returning Adoptee’s Powwow

returning adoptees pow wow

returning adoptees pow wowReturning Adoptee’s Honoring and Talking Circle

10:00am-Talking Circle
3:00 pm-Wablencia Ceremony
Community giveaway
Foster parent/children in care Honoring


Returning Adoptee’s Powwow

UIATF is Honored to Welcome Sandy White Hawk, Sicangu Lakota
Sandy is the founder and Director of the First Nations Repatriation Institue.

Sandra organizes Truth Healing Reconciliation Community Forums that bring together adoptees/fostered individuals and their families and professionals with the goal to identify post adoption issues and to identify strategies that will prevent removal of First Nations children.

Grand Entry Times:
12:30 pm
6:30 pm

Feast @ 5pm

Host Drum: Lightning Creek – Lapwai, ID

Co-host Drum: Rocking Horse – Seattle, WA

First 5 registered drums receive Honorarium (5 Singers needed to register)

MC: Arlie Neskahi – Seattle, WA

AD: Paul Wolcott – Seattle WA

Head Dancers: Anjinique Star, Blackfeet and Devon Bluehorse, Dakota & Yakama

VENDORS: please Contact Jaya Garcia @ 206-285-4425, JGarcia@UnitedIndians.orgVendor fee $75

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